Rider: Hayley Ohl, Location: Purgatory Resort
Brittany, Phil and Tarzan, Location: Elbert Creek
Skier: Dylan Stucki, Location: Mill Creek, Silverton CO
Skier: Sven Brunso, Location: (read the sign)
Skier: Dylan Stucki, John Fisher. Location: Patagonia
Griffin Easter, Location: Four Corners Cycle Cross, Dolores, CO
Skier: Sven Brunso, Location: Storm Peak, Silverton CO 13,400'
Rider: Phil Cowan, Location: Loam Factory
Skier: Sven Brunso, Location: Coalbank Pass, CO
Hayley Ohl and Eddie, Location: Cabin 2, Needles Country Square
Skier: Josh Coffin, Location: Grayrock Peak, CO
Josh Coffin digs out the cornice on Brad's Chute. Purgatory Resort in the background.
Josh Coffin peeks into Brad's Chute. Location: Purgatory Snowcat Adventures
Griffin Easter
Rider: Sarah Sturm, Location: Elbert Creek Trail, Durango, CO